More than 30,000 suicides in 2008 for 11th-straight year

Despite dropping by 844, the number of suicides during 2008 was over 30,000 for the 11th consecutive year, the National Police Agency (NPA) announced on Thursday, with 32,249 taking their lives during the year.

Monthly statistics were also published for the first time, with suicides peaking at over 3,000 in October, just as the financial crisis started to gain momentum.

Suicide statistics are usually published every June. Fears that the crisis may precipitate more suicides, however, prompted the NPA to publish the figures two months earlier than usual. Further data on suicides by age and motive will be published during May.

By gender, 22,831 were male (around 71 percent, down by 647 from last year) and 9,418 were female (down by 197). During October, the month after the collapse of financial services firm Lehman Brothers, the number of suicides hit a peak of 3,092, followed by 2,939 in March and 2,854 in April.

The number of suicides in 2009 also looks set to continue the trend, with 2,655 recorded in January (up by 113 from last year) and 2,470 in February (up by 62 from last year).

By area, the Tokyo metropolitan area had the most at 2,941, with Tokushima Prefecture the least with 202. The number of suicides in Hokkaido increased most, rising by 86, followed by Nagano Prefecture with 80 and Saitama Prefecture by 68.

The number of suicides by hydrogen sulphide poisoning leapt over 36 times to 1,056. The NPA has labeled Web sites containing information on how to produce the gas as carrying “harmful information”, and is issuing takedown notices to Internet service providers for such content.

自殺者:08年は3万2249人 金融危機の10月突出



警察庁は2日、08年の自殺者が3万2249人で、11年連続で3万人を超えたと発表した。統計の残る78年以降で2番目に多かった07年より 844人減ったが、初めて公表した月別の自殺者数では、金融危機が深刻化した08年10月が唯一3000人を超え最多だった。急激な景気悪化が影響してい るとみられる。


自殺者全体のうち男性が2万2831人(前年比647人減)で約71%を占め、女性が9418人(同197人減)だった。月別では、金融危機の きっかけとなった米証券大手リーマン・ブラザーズの経営破綻(はたん)翌月の10月が3092人。3月の2939人、4月の2854人が続いた。



08年は硫化水素による自殺が相次ぎ、前年比36.4倍の1056人だった。インターネットの書き込みを参考にしているとして、警察庁は硫化水素 の製造方法など自殺を誘発する恐れのある情報を「有害情報」に指定し、接続業者(プロバイダー)に削除依頼できるようにしている。【長野宏美】

(Mainichi Japan) April 2, 2009

Worshippers rush to temple to see famous Buddha statue shown once every six years

NAGANO — A number of worshipers flocked to Zenko-ji temple here on Sunday as a replica of the temple’s principle Buddha statue went on display for the first time since 2003.

The “Maedachi Honzon,” a replica of the temple’s concealed Amitabha Tathagata statue, is shown to the public only once every six calendar years. The display is called “Gokaicho.”

As the temple’s chief priest opened the doors of the altar at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday, the gold replica was visible and captivated visitors from across the country.

Touching a 10-meter-high pillar set up in front of the main hall, which is tied with a piece of gold string to the right middle finger of the replica, is believed to bring as much good fortune as directly touching the replica itself. Visitors were waiting in a long line to touch the pillar and make a wish on Sunday.

“I was thrilled to see the replica,” said Yachiyo Yamazaki, a 66-year-old housewife from Iizuna in Nagano Prefecture. “I prayed for good health throughout the year.”

The display of the replica will be held until May 31.

善光寺:7年に1度の御開帳始まる 前立本尊を公開



長野市の善光寺で5日、数えで7年に1度の御開帳が始まった。秘仏であるご本尊「阿弥陀(あみだ)如来像」の分身「前立(まえだち)本尊」を公開 する行事。午前6時半に住職が本堂内々陣で前立本尊が安置されている厨子(ずし)の扉を開くと、金色に輝く像が現れ、全国から訪れた参拝客からため息が漏 れた。

本堂前に建立された回向柱(高さ10メートル)に白布が巻かれ、前立本尊の右手中指と金糸で結ばれており、前立本尊に直接触れるのと同じ御利益が あると伝えられている。参拝客が柱に触れようと行列を作り、両手を伸ばして真剣な表情で願い事をしていた。飯綱町の主婦、山崎八千代さん(66)は「7年 に1度しか見られないので感動した。健康で一年を過ごせますようにとお祈りした」と話した。5月31日まで。【大平明日香】

(Mainichi Japan) April 6, 2009